JULIE MARIS/SEMEL photography  

Cái drum
(trong cái or dai co) Musical instrument of the membranophonic family of the Viet ethnic group. Cái drums, 40 cm. to 60 cm. in height, are made of wood in a cylindrical shape. Tightly-stretched membranes from buffalo skins cover both ends. In Vietnam, cái drums accompany ceremonies and are used to alert the community.

(Dromedary camel, Arabian camel, one-humped camel, Camelus dromedarius) Animal known as a beast of burden. Camels inhabit Africa, SW Asia, and Australia and are adapted for life in an arid environment with webbed feet, double rows of eyelashes, and nostrils that close. Camels can endure long periods without drinking and Dromedaries are thought to have been domesticated in Arabia about 4000–2000 B.C.

Campbell Island
41-square-mile, sub-Antarctic, volcanic New Zealand island. Campbell Island, with tussock grass and breeding grounds for 15,000 nesting royal albatrosses, is a nature reserve and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Campbell Island has a high level of biodiversity, wildlife population densities, and endemism among birds, especially the endemic (native) albatrosses, plants (megaherbs), and invertebrates. It is notable for the large number and diversity of pelagic seabirds that nest there.

Chaukhtatkyi Pagoda
(Chaukhtatgyi Pagoda) Pavilion with a reclining Buddha image in Yangon, Myanmar. The Chaukhtatkyi Buddha image, reclining on its right side, is approximately 66 meters long and 17 meters high. The Chaukhtatkyi Buddha image, originally built in 1907, was rebuilt in a new structure completed in 1966. The uniqueness of the image is the mosaic on the soles of its feet representing 108 special characteristics of the Buddha.

(Chukotka Autonomous Region) Section in the extreme northeast of Siberia between the Chukchi and the Bering Sea, Russia. Chukchi native settlers live on the tundra and are migrant hunters and reindeer herders. Masik, Chukotka, Russia is a historic site with bowhead whalebones buried in the earth. Whale hunters used now-petrified whalebones for tent supports.

Coin clapper
(senh tien) Musical instrument of the idiophonic family (instruments that make noise independently via percussion) of the Viet ethnic group. Coin clappers are made of 25 cm. long, double-wooden notched sticks to which jingling discs are attached at the end. The wooden bar is shaken with one hand and struck by a single-wooden stick. In Vietnam, coin clappers accompany the Royal Orchestra, traditional dances, and ceremonies.

Coptic Cross
Processional cross that is attached to a long staff used in Ethiopian Orthodox churches in Lalibela, Ethiopia. Early Coptic Crosses were prominently featured during services and processions that honored holy days, and they favored abstract openwork patterns, and images of the Virgin and Child. Later Coptic Crosses equalized the length of the arms and filled in the gaps between them, almost dissolving the cross form into a diamond shape that was punctuated with interlacing patterns. The Coptic Crosses also provide a place to affix colored cloths that trail from them.

  copyright 2006 Julie Maris/SemeldownupABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPTY