JULIE MARIS/SEMEL photography  

Fishing and hunting village on Anders Olsen sound located on the west coast of Greenland. Arctic cotton grows in this area.

Large floating masses of ice detached or calved from Arctic glaciers such as those in Ilulissat, Greenland, or from an ice sheet or shelf such as the Antarctic Ross Ice Shelf. Most icebergs are concentrated south of the Antarctic current convergence at about 60° S. Antarctic icebergs are characterized by their tremendous size and tabular shape. Tabular bergs can be plates of ice up to 1000 meters thick. Icebergs in the Arctic vary in size from growlers (small icebergs rising between 1 to 4 meters out of the water) and bergy bits (chunks of floating ice that rise about 1 meter out of the water) to floebergs (massive pieces of sea ice that protrude at least 5 meters above sea level). Every day millions of tons of ice calve from the glacier in the form of icebergs in the Ilulissat (Jakobshavn) Icefjord (Kangia in Inuit) into Disko Bay, Ilulissat.

(Jakobshavn) Town located on the west coast of Greenland, 250 km. north of the Arctic Circle adjacent to the Ilulissat Icefjord and to Disko Bay. Jakob Severin established the Jakobshavn Lodge in 1741 on the site of the Inuit settlement of Sermemiut. The majority of the population of 4,300 in Ilulissat, Greenland’s third largest town, primarily earn their living from fishing or related work. Ilulissat was the birthplace of the explorer Knud Rasmussen.

Ilulissat Icefjord
(Kangia) Sea mouth of Sermeq Kujalleq, one of the fastest (19 meters per day) and most active glaciers in the world. Sermeq Kujalleq is also one of the few glaciers through which the Greenland ice cap reaches the sea through the Ilulissat Icefjord. Sermeq Kujalleq’s annual calving of over 35 cubic kilometers of ice is 10% of the production of all Greenland calf ice, and is more than any other glacier outside Antarctica. The Ilulissat Icefjord, a UNESCO World Heritage site, provides access for a close view of the calving glacier front as it cascades down from the ice sheet and into the ice-choked fjord into Disko Bay.

(Eskimo, Yupik, Inupiat, or Alutiit) Native population of the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions of Greenland, Alaska, Canada, and Siberia. Inuit are of Asian origin with genetic adaptations to environmental conditions of extreme cold; have the presence of a B blood type; and share the Eskimo-Aleut language. The Inuit adaptations to extreme cold include: short, round bodies with short arms and legs; flat faces with fat pads over the sinuses; narrow noses; and a heavy layer of body fat. The genetic adaptation of the Inuit provides minimum surface area in relation to body mass for minimum heat loss and protects the lungs and base of the brain against cold air in the nasal passages. Traditionally, Inuit have been nomadic hunters but many now live in northern towns in Greenland and Canada.

Capital of Loreto departamento, in northeast Peru, located 2,300 miles from the mouth of the Amazon River. Iquitos, the farthest inland port in the world founded in 1863, was the main shipping port during the rubber boom.

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